It is proposed that access to the new care home will be from Prickwillow Road, with a new access point created to the north of the site. Whilst this new access point will result in the removal of some of the hedgerow along Prickwillow Road, it has been designed to ensure maximum separation from the vehicle access to Roswell Pits sailing lake.

It is not predicted that the development will generate high volumes of traffic, owing to probability that the only staff and visitors will undertake vehicular movements for the most part.


The access road will lead to a car park providing 25 parking spaces, inclusive of electric vehicle charging points, two disabled spaces, and one emergency vehicle bays. There will also be cycle storage provision as part of the proposals. As care home residents will not own cars, provision is therefore only required for staff and visitors.

It is anticipated that there will be no resident staff, and staff will be encouraged to utilise sustainable methods of transport rather than drive to work. With a maximum of 40 staff on-site at any given time, provision for 25 spaces will ensure that there is sufficient space for staff and visitors, without overspill, and is above the provision required by the Council

A detailed highway assessment is being undertaken to assess the highways impact of the proposal and to outline our approach to minimising car journeys. The details of this will be submitted as part of our planning application to East Cambridgeshire District Council.